If you're not for L.S.U. ..we are against you... New Tiger, New O, ALL GEAUX!!!
"Mike V was a noble mascot who was loved by Tiger fans young and old, and he represented all that is proud and dignified about LSU,” Skip Bertman. “Mike has reigned over a magnificent era of Tiger Athletics and he is missed today by LSU fans the world over.”
Rest in Peace Mike V..you had a good run.....-lsualwww.mikethetiger.com
Okay... wrote my check to Skip Bertman fund and such.... now this means that football season is right around the corner..... uh.... May, June,July.... argh.... too much time.....come on football season please get here soon....Miss State... victim #1 of the 2007 Season.....until then... this little site might keep you occupied for a few minutes...or this one...then there's the ever entertaining..or dis one...p.s. ... That Arkansas punter still cracks me up....