Here's the rundown of last saturday...
- 2:33 PM Arrive on Campus - tailgate. Begin Game Prep
- 6:38 PM Arrive in Tiger Stadium. Game Prep complete
- 7:01 PM Kickoff
- 7:12 PM Tigers Score 3 points giving Middle Tennessee State False Hopes
- 8:00 PM Reality setting in for Middle Tennesse that false hopes were seriously just false hopes
- 9:33 PM Damn Nick Saban wins helped by some home cooking by Bama Refs
- 9:45 PM Wife asks for Nachos or Tiger Dog or something. I suggest picking something up on the way home. Will pay the price later.
- 10:05 PM Welker takes a knee. Damn he has that Victory formation down. TIGERS WIN!!!
- 10:10 PM Make was out of Tiger Stadium. Crowd is light. Traffic shouldn't be a problem
- 10:36 PM Make way to I-10 West
- 10:42 PM Lights on at Taco Bell at Lobdell exit.
- 10:44 PM Make it to the line. 4 Cars back. I'll take a number 6. Must ask what the Mrs. wants.
- 10:48 PM line not moving.
- 10:50 PM Car at the Speaker box drives off
- 10:52 PM Line moves up. Next car drives off
- 10:53 PM Make it to the damn order speaker. Stomach can speak for itself and order on it's own at this point. "Hey, We Closed"
- 10:54 PM Drive off in anger. Yell obsenities at the drive thru window.
- 10:54:22 PM Realization - the manager and owner of the Taco Bell at
2830 S Westport Dr
Port Allen, LA 70767
(225) 346-1148
* approximate times - tacobell.com
YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!! Closing your 'restaurant' with a line of cars (at least 20 deep) before 11:00 during post game LSU Traffic???? What a frickin Stupid Move. You have made a mortal enemy!! You are hereby on LSUal Boycott!!!!- 11:34 PM - Kudos go out to the TACO BELL in wonderful Breaux Bridge Louisiana. They STAY OPEN LATE ON A GAME NIGHT
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