interesting letter by E. Eric G. - Ambulance Chase extrodinaire....
Did you know that John Brady in 11 years as LSU coach has only had 13 players graduate and has about 36 that left with eligibility remaining.
Skip..do the right thing...Stop the Madness NOW!!
bertman is a fool and proved that when he awarded brady with a fat contract two years ago based on ONE good season. LSU now gets to pay this idiot off, but BRADY is the WORST and LSU should discontinue the sport if they can't get a decent coach -- try UMass coach or Baylor coach!!!!!
LSU really took its eye off the ball (or looked the other way) with Brady. He's a paranoid drunk and can't coach. Always asking people who do the radio games "How'd we look, I hope they don't fire me..." He only won because he managed to pull together superstars now and then, but never a consistent nucleus that stayed together.
Bertman was of course too occupied at the casinos gambling and drinking also. Ever check out the veins in his nose? This is what LSU paid for roundball. So, treat it like the stepchild it is, and maybe someone decent with be the A-D and know how to fire and hire a coach.
Interesting to know.
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