The coach you love to hate... he was pure evil before Tuberville ever coached at Auburn...before Tuberville coached at Ole Miss... and yes before Tricky Nicky decided to setup his latest temporary coaching gig in Tuscaloosa...you always had a warm dark cold hateful place in your Heart for One Steve Superior........
Well Stevo..... You ain't at Florida anymore.... (thank God... last Saturday reminded me enough of CurleyDinardo)...and your team ain't feared.... respected maybe....feared No.....
This is not a battle between LSU and that other U.S.C. ..... this is completely about LES MILES vs. Steve Spurrier..... Steve wants revenge for the fake field goal play of the year last year.... not gonna happen Steve... LES has something more to prove.....
#13 LSU vs. Who cares # USC
Tigers vs. Gamecocks (lame mascot)
Les vs. Spurrier (each has a National Championship.... only one has one this decade)
LSU 28 Cocks 17
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