Thursday, November 05, 2015


Not much needed for motivation this week…


If you can’t get up to play Bama…just stop.


This game has been building since 1/9/12 ..the night that will live in infamy…


The close games since…. But this year….it’s different….


John Chavis… gone… no more will we have to suffer and witness 3rd and Chavis lose THE game in the last two minutes….


Leonard is here….have no FEAR!!!!   Unless you are Bama and lil Nicky… FEAR!!! FEAR the HAT!!


Les is more…Les is back…. Harris is near…..


So turn on the big screen… pull up a chair… IF YOU CAN EVEN SIT TO WATCH THIS ONE!!! And ENJOY!!!




The best one loss team in a America… they never lose… unless they beat themselves with 5 turnovers at home to Ole Miss who lost to Memphis lose..but it doesn’t count so they are #4…. The cheaters who have the refs in their back pocket…. Bama the best one loss team to lose AT HOME… Bama led by Lil Nicky…the only SEC coach to win the National Championship while LOSING the SEC Championship one year [see the Mulligan Game and the GAME of the Century for further details]…. I HATE ALABAMA!!! I don’t even vacation there anymore!!!




We have Les, Fournette, Guice, Harris, Dupre, Key, and a NEW PUNT RETURNER!!!!  We also have Kevin Steele in place of 3rd and Chavis… we got him from Bama…he knows their signals… Revenge for them steeling ours on 1/9/12 … BRING IT!!!


What’s going to Happen??


Pain, Destruction, Speed, SEC Football!! Rain – no care, Tigers play up to the atmospheric condition!!!  Fournette is not stopped or hindered… Heisman is within reach… Harris outshines their Coker… Mr. Choker (3 INTS!!!)…




LSU 38    Crimson Scourge on the earth….  17



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