Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Roscoe...uh...Mike VI has arrived..

Statement from Dr. David Baker, LSU Director of Laboratory Animal Medicine and Mike the Tiger's primary veterinarian (from TAF website)

I am happy to confirm the arrival of a juvenile tiger to the LSU campus. In July, after an extensive search, a tiger suitable to become Mike VI was located and preparations begun for his move to LSU. “Roscoe” was donated by Great Cats of Indiana, a nonprofit large cat rescue facility wholly dependent on contributions from the public. He was born on July 23, 2005 at the Great Cats facility as a result of unintended breeding. Because of a shortage of housing at Great Cats, it was essential that an alternative home be found for him. He is a magnificent animal. I estimate his current weight at between 250-300 pounds. While he has been on campus less than 48 hours I can tell you that he has exceeded my expectations in every possible manner. Not only is he very handsome, with markings unlike any tiger we have ever had, but his personality is remarkable. He is extremely confident, interactive, inquisitive, and friendly toward people. He appears to already be forming a relationship with his student caretakers and seems most content when they are with him.
The loading, transport, and unloading of Roscoe was executed flawlessly, thanks to the tremendous help provided by our many friends within the community and campus. I would first and foremost like to acknowledge Great Cats of Indiana not only for their gift of the tiger, but also for the excellent care they provided to him. His condition and that of their other large cats is remarkable, especially considering their meager level of support. It is obvious from Roscoe’s appearance and behavior that he was hand-raised by compassionate professionals. I would also like to acknowledge the assistance of Louisiana Aircraft Inc., who flew us to Indiana on our exploratory trip, and who assisted us with other details. Next I would like to acknowledge Mike Gerald and “Big Country” Bobby Wascom of MG Trailer Depot, who on very short notice, fabricated a perfect transport crate which allowed us to transport Roscoe without the use of sedation. I would also like to acknowledge the generous contribution of Richard Zuschlag and the excellent services provided by Chief Pilot Spencer Anderson and the entire staff at Acadian Ambulance, who donated the airplane used to transport Roscoe, even modifying the airplane for our use. I cannot overstate the degree to which the tiger’s stress level was reduced by a 3 hour flight versus a 16 hour road trip. In addition, I’d like to acknowledge the help of several others who contributed to the success of their effort, including our good friend Dr. Gordon Pirie of the Baton Rouge Zoo, and my coworkers Dr. Rhett Stout, John London, Eric Peck, and Rick Ramsey. Lastly, I’d like to thank the TAF, Athletic Department, LSU Police, and the campus administration

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