Sunday, December 09, 2007


Dear Mr. LSUal,

Thank you for your show of support for LSU Football by requesting tickets to the 2008 BCS National Championship Game.

The number of National Championship Game tickets requested by LSU fans has exceeded the supply made available to LSU, and as a result, the LSU Priority Point System was used to determine the distribution of tickets. Unfortunately, because of the high demand, your request was not able to be filled.

2008 National Championship Game tickets were distributed in the following manner:

LSU Priority Point Rank (as of 10.31.07)
Maximum Number of Tickets Awarded
Lottery - 3146 & above

Your LSU Priority Point Rank (as of 10.31.07) is: 5172.

OH WELL..... Looks like it'll be another stellar party at the abode of LSUal........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your penis sizegenetics is made up chambers, ligaments, muscles, and blood flow. All these things must be naturally increased in order to get effective male enhancement. Please read what I just said carefully: ALL THESE THINGS must be naturally increased! Not just one particular thing. And this instantly rules out using sizegenetics, sizegenetics tools, and going in for surgery! Inside this device . because those methods are unnatural, ineffective, and in every single cases, extremely dangerous.Your penis responds the same way your sizegenetics responds when you finally choose to get bigger muscles: Through consistent, natural, and effective exercise routines, you gain bigger and stronger muscles, and also same goes for getting a bigger penis... plus gaining other benefits!